Char featured on Politically Incorrect Knitters!!

Yes, the 25” will work with a lot of projects for sure. :). I have been mostly experimenting with my 24” Ashford, but all of it went by the wayside when I started making masks. Time to pull them out again!

What are you going to try first?

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see what you start weaving! Once the spinning event is over, I hope to get back into weaving for Christmas gifts.

@TeaNSugar - I’m fond of pansies and like your avatar! :slight_smile:

Thank you! I have several items around the house with pansies on them that my mother and aunt had given me. I do love them. As for actually growing real ones, I can’t seem to manage keeping them looking nice for long. I need more gardening skills. I keep trying to grow them, though!

@TeaNSugar - I also received my fondness for pansies from earlier generations. :slight_smile: In case it helps to know, I’ll share what I’ve been told: pansies are said to prefer cooler temperatures… they enjoy spring and fall… and partial shade in summer. Also, if you “pinch them back” or pick their flowers, they will stay nice branchy, bushy, leafy little plants and reward you with more flowers! Unfortunately, if you just let them be, they will become long, stringy vines and go to seed.

@qfknit Oh, thank you so much for the tips! That is very helpful. :slight_smile:

@TeaNSugar, that makes my heart glad! And I know that my grandmother, grandfather, his sister Edwina, and sister-in-law Irene are delighted to be remembered each time I think of pansies! :slight_smile:

@qfknit Aw, that is good, and it’s the same with me. I miss my mother so much and cherish the little items she gave me that help bring to mind memories of her. And now, hopefully, I can keep the pansies alive longer, thanks to you. :slight_smile:

I’m probably going with what most people do; starting with scarves and then kitchen towels. Not sure what I’ll do after that.

Great place to start! It will be fun to see what you make!

Several of you guys asked what yarn I used for the shawl in this video. I have finally figured out what it is!!! :slight_smile:

I’m thinking I’m going to have to get some Tough Sock someday to make myself a pair of matching socks. :slight_smile: Someday…

Looking forward to listening/watching!!!

I hope you like it! :fk:

We’re here for you guys! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

@DeplorableKnitter , thank you so much for posting this. The interview was great, and I learned a few things as well! It was also nice to be able to put a face to a name. :+1::blush: @Char, you were incredible, however I was a bit distracted because I couldn’t stop staring at your shawl - LOL! It is gorgeous! :heart_eyes:

Aww - thank you! :slight_smile: it is my favorite shawl.

If I may ask, what is the pattern, and which yarn did you use?

Oooh, that happened to me as well!

The shawl is the “Close to You” shawl. I put cooper beads on the “wavy” ends over the k2tog on the decreasing rows.

I thought it was “Dream in Color” but I can’t find the color on their website. It is a grey base, with dark blue and speckles of copper. I’ll post a pic in a few. :slight_smile: