August 2022 chatter


I noticed that last September we did a ā€˜Gnomeā€™ Theme in the monthly crafts. Do you think we will repeat that this year?? Hmmā€¦ is it too early to think about it?

I do like being able to see the other topics from this section and their replies, views and such. That is interesting.


We can do whatever anyone wants :slight_smile:

You want gnomes - we can do gnomes?

@HeatherAthebyne can you bring back our gnome emoji?

If you donā€™t want to do gnomes, rather something else, just let me know :slight_smile:


If you scroll down to the bottom of the notifications there is a ā€œdismissā€ button.

Hope this helps!

I was thinking the same thing @char but when I go to that page my ā€œdismissā€ button is muted. I push on it and nothing happens. I just figured itā€™s a glitch and it will work itself out eventually.

:gnome: is already added, I made sure to bring it over :slight_smile: Do :gnome:, or you can see it at the bottom of the emoji popup list.


@lovestostitch its right here :star_struck:
Up in the search section I typed in August and searched all topics and it was second in line.

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I had that when I finished my pink and purple Gothix socks! I loved the yarn, the colors, and the pattern so much that I was very sad when I was finished! And I am going to pretend that I havenā€™t seen the Christmas decorations up anywhere yet because I refuse to acknowledge that it is going on as I hate it so much! My nephew has lived in the Philippines for nearly 20 years now and says that it is 100% standard practice for the Christmas season to start in full in August every year. His husband (who is Filipino) was actually surprised to find that America, which is seen as starting ā€œChristmasā€ as the world now knows it, doesnā€™t traditionally start ā€œthe Christmas Seasonā€ until the beginning of December. He thought we must start it in July or something because we are seen as doing everything ā€œmoreā€ than any other country, especially Christmas, and was startled when my nephew objected to putting their Christmas tree up in September! :scream::rofl:


GSRs are my favorite so far :blush:

Iā€™ve used GSRs for other kind of shaping but havenā€™t tried it for sock heels. I can see how that could really work though. Iā€™m going to have to try that!
Brilliant minds think alike they sayā€¦ Iā€™ve been working on socks for little ones too. :grin:

Yes, you can go for the twelve days of Christmas, ending on Epiphany; or you can even follow the older, liturgical way of 40 days(!), to mirror Lent, ending on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

I try to go with the last one on those years I really canā€™t let it all go! :blush:

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You blinked :wink:

Wow! :grin:

Ouch! Hope your toe gets better quickly! Iā€™m still getting over a nasty summer cold myself, so you have my full sympathy :mask::face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage:

Yeah, Iā€™ve done lots of top-down and have a great handle on that method. If there was any other way to make the design work and NOT have to do toe-up, I would have quit already! :angry:

greetings from the pleasantly cool (20-25C) Finnish archipelago - we were greeted when we arrived and the sauna was warm after the previous bathers - I dipped into the 17C (on the surface, deeper it was colder) water - Finns are the only people who go to the sauna in warm weather - even if it was scorching hot outside :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iā€™m having a good time, but miss you all on zoom :kissing_heart:

Iā€™ve missed you on our zooms :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So sweet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Is the building we see a sauna? Did you do the sauna first and then a dip in the cold water? Brrr! That would make it extra cold! I like our pool when it is 83F/28C - not 17C!!

What a beautiful place! I could really go for some of your weather. Weā€™ve been cooler than normal since a storm front came through, but it got back up to 102 F (38.8 C) today! :hot_face:

@lovestostitch - the building you see in the picture is a cottage for spending time with others - although we prefer to be by ourselves on our boat - weā€™re not social people

the sauna is on the other side of the bay well hidden behind trees for privacy - I wish I had a picture from there - thereā€™s a wonderful view when sitting on the terrace to cool off - dipping into the cool water is actually nice and you can go back into the sauna to warm up if you want