April 2023 Chatter

I don’t dye or spin, but for those of you that do… is it better to dye before or after spinning? Or does it not matter?

I got a call from my aunt this afternoon that my uncle, the last surviving member of my mother’s family of origin, is in palliative care and is not expected to live much longer. I would appreciate prayers for Gary to pass peacefully and painlessly and for his wife, Susan, and children, Justin and Sean, to be comforted through this time and after he goes. I’ve been struggling with my own health recently, the sinus problem I had that required surgery this past December has come back and the doctor isn’t sure what to do next. I love my uncle very much and I knew he probably wouldn’t be here much longer because he’s been going severely downhill recently, but this has just brought up so much emotion I wasn’t really expecting. :pensive:


Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend. I just got home from crafting day at Town Hall. Got two graduation quilts bound, and one pillow case done. I like to use pillow cases to “wrap” the quilts in. My shoulder is really bothering me today. The shot didn’t help as much as I had hoped.


Busy day with yard work today.
I am so happy the Farmers Markets are opening back up. I was able to visit one today.

Going to work on my Spring Fling blanket tonight.

@Char I did get enough scrap squares together and prepped for a decent sized quilt top using mostly denim. I hope to begin trying to sew that together this up coming week. My hope is that I can still sew straight lines. Should be easy…right??


@hereami - layer a “ledge” of some painters tape along where your edge is going to go - it will help you sew straight lines. :fk: I can’t wait to see it!!! Might get me motivated to use some denim! :slight_smile:


Oh…thank you! That is a great helpful hint.
(Tape on a longish strip on the base of the machine by tiny guide lines? )

Yes - I will often line up a ruler under the pressure foot (line it up with a straight line on the machine such as the edge of the needle plate or something you can line up marks on the ruler). Then line up your tape ledge along the ruler.

Tip: try not to cover your bobbin area as you don’t want to keep removing the tape to change the bobbin.


The pharmacist chimes in: yes vitamin D is crucial for so many aspects of health (immunity, pain, balance, mood) most of us are deficient and you can actually test your levels so you don’t have to guess. 35 is adequate but 50+ is optimal
Spring is a really good time to test. Although the sun is going to allow the northern residents to make vitamin D again in April to October, don’t start summer deficient! You can build up your reserves but hard to dig out of a hole.
And yes K2 and an absorbable magnesium (NOT magnesium oxide) are important for health especially if you have bone health concerns…and essential if you are taking calcium supplements


Thank you.
From a pharmacist opinion…
Do you know if the common otc iron supplements are acceptable for someone who is low on iron all the time?

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I’m sorry I haven’t been in much - my pain is making it so I really can’t do anything. Boo.


Hi Everyone,
I’m happy to report feeling better, I actually did a little yard work today and went to the groc. store.
I scored a free crockpot at the dump this past weekend and tried it out yesterday. Here are my results. All but the big green one are merino/ nylon. Even the 100% wool came out nice and fluffy. I think this is the best way to dye and not worry about felting! I did get a few white spots though.


Ferrous sulfate is the best absorbed otc iron and usually enough to correct iron deficiency. But if you are taking it and not getting your levels up (or can’t tolerate the GI side effects), look for Reacted Iron from a professional supplement line like Ortho Molecular


Bummer. Are you able to go to work? I hope the coming warmer weather will help you feel better.

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I think the white looks great in there. It really sets off the colors. I can’t wait to see it spun - and knit up!

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Yesterday at work I couldn’t do much beyond sit there. I was in miserable pain. Sigh.

Today I have two clients scheduled, then I’m planning on more chair time. The clients should only take a couple of hours.


Knit Picks Sock Yarn Sale

Knit picks is having a sock yarn sale if anyone is interested. :slight_smile:

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@Char, I hope you feel better soon. Is it a repetitive stress injury or something else? And…don’t tempt me with your crazy yarn sales! :rofl:

@PurlgirlButtons I also like the white spots, but what matters, of course, is what you like! However, I do have to say that as I began reading your post and seeing the fiber in the crockpot, I momentarily was wondering what food looks like that! :smile:

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@MBearMakes I did the same thing…lol. A split second of what is that.

@PurlgirlButtons Love the colors.

@Char I am so sorry you are still feeling yucky. Is this something that normally lasts this long and then fades away? I hope your pain passes soon. Miss seeing your quilt creations.

I broke my yarn diet yesterday. My spring fling crochet blanket needed more pink yarn. I was trying to figure out a design to finish the size without buying more yarn. I just couldn’t figure it out. (side note…should have asked my hubby. He gave me a perfect solution later.)

My younger cousin died unexpectedly yesterday. He was in his early 40’s and such a gentle, peace-loving man. (his chosen profession was Emt and nursing with a passion for helping people.) He had just accepted a civilian position to work in a US military hospital in Germany. He died in Germany. I needed to self sooth and stop thinking about how to change the design. I went to 2 big box stores only to discover the color was not there. I stood around the store so long trying to figure out what I was going to do a shopper thought I was an employee. LOL

Finally found the perfect pink stored above my head. With no store employee in sight I used a measuring stick to maneuver the two skeins into my arms. Lol…security footage has got to be hysterical. The perfect color is the store brands version of red heart. It is going to work just fine…and only about $2.50 a skein.

I’m doing okay…just have a massive grief induced headache.


I believe I tore something in my rotator cuff when I fell and got my concussion at the end of February. Nothing is broken. Dr gave me a cortisone shot and that isn’t doing much if anything for the pain. :frowning:

@hereami I am sorry for your loss. It isn’t easy when Heaven needs another angel.

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So sorry for the loss of your cousin.

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