April 2022 - Spring Fling

I voted, please let us know if they win.

@Char good topic, I love camping. Especially after Covid it’s all I want to do for vacation.
We have both a big canvas tent with a stove, as well as backpacking tents. I enjoy primitive camping as well as state parks. I really like how you have to relax and enjoy nature instead of being distracted by home stuff. So rejuvenating.
We live in the Door County, WI area and sometimes we camp and work. While I would rather have a few days off and go farther, It’s kind of fun to go to the shower house, emerge in work clothes, then go back to camp instead of home after work.
Does other people pick a camp knitting project?

I always take my knitting when we’re camping, and I often take my spinning wheel too. :slight_smile:

I used to bring several knitting projects (you never know).

Now I’ll pack up my featherweight sewing machine. :slight_smile:

@KnitsWithHorses @hereami I am still homeschooling my 17 yo son – and due to some health issues, I will be doing so for a year longer than planned. It is exactly as you say. My son got interested in etymology, and I had no idea how much he’d learned until I decided to try to learn Polish. He was able to tell me how to pronounce the language based on the International Phonetic Alphabet. He’s always popping up with information that was no part of what he was assigned to learn.

Of course, students can be very different. My eldest daughter was mostly interested in finishing up courses of study as quickly and efficiently as possible. I always wonder if we should have left her in public school where the desire to compete and please a teacher would have been a real driver for her. However, she’s in a transition program now and taking classes at a community college until she figures out what career she wants to pursue, so fingers crossed she will get where she needs and wants to be.

I always love to take some sort of hand project–knitting, spinning, or even weaving–my inkle loom is perfect to take along.

Not camping, unless you count working outside on a garden bench, but here’s the long delayed latest in the British birds set I’m doing - a barn owl.


Making a little progress on the baby blanket during the Virtual Yarnies weekly Zoom


So pretty!!! I think the wee one will love this.

@Majormomma - come here and find us!

(she mentioned during virtual yarnies today she didn’t know where the community chatter was. :slight_smile:

@rkennell we missed you today!

I always take knitting projects on any trip. It keeps me busy on the car ride and it’s so nice to knit while sitting outside.

We love Door County! We are in the Chicago western suburbs so it is about a 5-6 hour drive for us. My husband grew up vacationing in Ephraim. His parents built a home there and his brother now owns the house. We have a trailer and we love to camp there.

My first trip to Door County was when we were dating and we went to visit his parents. That’s when I learned that Door County is the home to lots of sour cherry orchards. Nothing like pastry or pie made with sour cherries!

Finally back online. It’s getting kind of silly here. We keep having some combination of internet and/or power outage here most fridays. Today was both internet & power out. Just got both back. It’s a bit nerve racking having no power and no generator, otherwise it’s a lot like camping just without the bugs & dirt! This whole no internet or power thing is getting a bit frustrating since I miss everyone at virtual yarnies.

I have had to rework that blanket I started since I realized I wasn’t going to have enough hand spun yarn to finish the size of blanket that I started. Can’t exactly go buy more handspun yarn, especially when the fiber came from 2 alpacas I used to have.

Yes we did!

Any gardeners want to discuss gardening, canning and recipe ideas? Join us in the Fiberkind group “Gardeners Know the Best Dirt.”


@Majormomma - this is the group I mentioned

That’s really pretty. Is it for a specific baby?

I started this sock cuff with a ribbing pattern and completely messed it up when I started nodding off so I ripped it all back. Virtual yarnies kept me awake this afternoon and I have one cuff done. Interesting effect of the zebra yarn.

One side:

The other side:



That pooling is quite different than the first time you showed a picture. I wonder how your pattern will change that. :slight_smile:

Wow, how pretty!

That is adorable!