2022 Stashbusting MAL Guide & Chat

[B]Ready for another Stashbusting challenge? If you’re new to the challenge, welcome!

2022 Stashbusting MAL Guidelines[/B]

  • [B]Everyone starts at zero[/B] - Whether you join at the beginning of the year or mid-year.
  • [B]All yarn in your stash counts[/B]. [LIST]
  • Skeins counts as [B]+2[/B]
  • Partials are considered a ball & count as [B]+1 [/B]point when you use it up.
  • Points are rewarded with no regard as to how the yarn leaves your stash (projects, gifts, donations, trash, the dog ate it.)
  • [B]Using partial skeins[/B] - When a partial skein is used, earn [B]+1[/B] pt. When the remainder of the skein is used(which is now referred to as a “ball”), earn the other point. [B]+1[/B]
  • [B]Adding to stash - [/B]Whatever form new yarn comes in (skein, hank, ball, cake, etc.), it’s a skein added to the stash with a [B]-2[/B] point value. Gifted or donated partials add to the stash have a [B]-1[/B] point value.
  • [B]Spinners [/B]- Use your own discretion when adding spun skeins to your stash. [/LIST]

    General Rules:

    • A new thread will be added each week to post scores.
    • Please post your scores by midnight on Saturday, so that the scorekeeper can pick them up. The scorekeeper will be tallying the scores and posting them on Sunday.
    • Please make your score easy to be seen. Large numbers and pretty colors really help.
    [B]Weekly Scores[/B]
    • First (gold), second (silver) and third (bronze) will be noted on the scorekeeping list on Sunday, along with all the other scores.
    • If you have the largest negative total, you will receive the "Shoot the Moon" award. 🚀
    • The "Shoot the Moon" winner from the previous week will be responsible for posting the scores the following week. Year-To-Date scores will be tallied & posted by TexasPurl monthly.
    • NOTE: If the "Shoot the Moon" winner is not available to post the scores, please contact TexasPurl as early as possible so that scores can be posted in a timely manner.
    • The scorekeeper should post by end of day, Sunday.

    This is an on-going MAL. Feel free to join at any time!

    Remember, this is just a way to keep us mindful to use our stash before buying more.

    I do hope you’ll join us!

    Click HERE for a tutorial on “Signature” editing.

  • I finished my temperature blanket for 2021 which was using mostly stash with a couple of colors I bought new. My 2022 I had to buy yarn for as my WW stash is pretty low these days so I won’t be calling it a stash buster this year but I’m silly happy that I actually needed to buy yarn for the next one. That means I really am making some kind of progress. Although I kind of feel like I have just as much stash as ever, if not more, but it’s lighter weight and very little is left of all the WW acrylic I inherited from my mom as well as another lady.
    This blanket is lying across the foot of a king sized bed. It’s basically a full bed sized blanket I think.

    Boy that’s a big project, you did a great job!

    So glad you made progress with your Stashbusting.
    This temperature blanket looks warm and cozy. I like the colors you choose.

    I haven’t worked on anything yet this year.
    However, I did organize and give away some yarn this week. (I gave away 21 skeins to a dear neighbor)
    I had been postponing opening a garbage bag full of yarn…for emotional reasons.
    This week I took care of all the yarn I had in the house. Including that garbage bag of yarn I had put aside in the garage.
    And…I did so without any emotion. Woo Hoo!! I finally made it to the point where it was just yarn and held no emotional value.

    Here is what helped me deal with the set aside yarn:
    -I had moved it from inside the house to the garage about 6 months ago. I think that was part of the key…It was out of sight AND all perfumes, lotion smells etc…from the
    previous owner were gone.
    -I brought that bag inside to deal with while I was dealing with all the other yarn in the house. So…that took away any ‘special-ness’ I may have
    given the yarn.

    • I kept only the yarn from that bag I would actually use. Some colors and textures would have been very difficult for me to work with. (highlighter pink, for example…hurts my eyes)
    • I knew where the yarn I didn’t want would be going. The dear neighbor who is on a very tight budget but loves crocheting for babies and others.

    In my case…I didn’t mean to attach value to this yarn. In the last 6 months I have gone thru a process of: …I can’t deal with this right now as I cried putting the yarn into the bag. Seriously, hugging and smelling a skein or two as I went along. To…I know that bag is out there…I can’t touch it yet. To…you know, I bet there is a skein or two my neighbor could use in there. To…Let’s deal with this now.

    I hope this lengthy post helps someone out there. You can do this. You can take care of that yarn this year.

    Now…I just have to deal with the yarn I personally have collected.
    And, I have a plan. I just found and signed up for a Blanket club. They make blankets all year long and give them out to people. I can sew, knit or crochet one. Last year they gave away thousands of blankets in the Sacramento, Ca area. (infant to teen sized blankets)

    I think my first blanket will be teen sized. Among other reasons, because human trafficing is a huge deal around here. I am sure there is a teen out there who needs a special blanket.

    :fk:Happy 2022 FiberKind people.

    1 Like

    I love the way you dealt with the “baggage” of that yarn. I’ve been digging out UFOs this week and most are blankets. I feel like 2022 is going to be a big year for blankets for me. Thru the winter at least. I generally send my blankets to Pine Ridge or take them to John 3:16 mission in Tulsa as they care for the local homeless and my GOSH we’ve had some brutally cold nights already. It hurts so much to think of them sleeping rough when the wind chill is at or below zero. Our heat right now is not great but at least we have shelter and a source of some heat. Thankfully I isn’t supposed to be quite this cold for a while after today.

    Ok I was not going to do the stash busting MAL this year because “I don’t have hardly any stash left.” But then I was organizing my craft room and yes indeed I do have way more than I realized. I’m in!

    Welcome back!

    It’s all relative. For some people, one large tote of yarn is an uncomfortable stash while others have a room stacked full of totes and don’t really mind it. My main focus this year is not about never buying new yarn but to use the yarns that I already have as much or more than I buy new. And to ORGANIZE it really well so I can see what I have and find what I need when I need it! I’m terrible about that.

    Well, I caved and it’s only Feb 1. I found out that an online store I like is going out of business (retiring) so I bought some discounted yarn.

    Who is going out if business? My only real goal this year is to use up some of the single skein wonders I have so I can get to where my stash has more sweater quantities and to keep my YTD in the positive. I’m about to use up 3 different balls today or tomorrow so I could actually buy a couple of skeins if I wanted to. Maybe for my Dil for her birthday this month. That way they wouldn’t even stay in my stash. :grin:

    The Loopy Ewe, they are retiring from knitting stuff . They are expanding and concentrating on Colorado Cross Stitch which they started a few years ago.


    Thanks for the heads up @crosstitchlinda

    I’m headed to the site now to see what I may need.

    Thanks for the heads up!

    At one point, I wanted make light-weight shawls and learn to knit socks, so I started purchasing fingering-weight yarn. Well, I had a reality check: knitting shawls takes me a loooong time, and I am not a sock knitter. Enter the light-weight 5-strand blanket – 2 strands of dk, Lion Brand Mandala, and 3 strands of fingering acrylic, various brands. I will figure out what to do with my fingering-weight wool after this is finished.
