2019 50 Book Challenge

That sounds cool! I wonder how your library does that? I’m a librarian and that would be fun to offer to our patrons!

@Duellingneedles, I am not sure but maybe I can find out from somebody next time I stop in the library.

@Duellingneedles, I found the website associated with the online book club. Maybe it will be helpful.

@yarnforall, Thanks! I’ll look into it!

@Duellingneedles You are welcome

Finally getting around to posting my list. My favorite so far this year has been Devil at my Heels by Louis Zamperini

1 It’s okay to not be okay Walsh, Sheila
2 Extreme Ownership Willink, Jocko
3 Back in the game Scalise, Steve
4 Red Special May, Brian
5 Girls of Atomic City Kiernan, Denise
6 If I had my life to live over, I would pick more daisies Martz, Sandra
7 Sharp Objects Flynn, Gillian
8 Devil at my heels Zamperini, Louis
9 Death by Cashmere Goldenbaum, Sally
10 Where the Crawdads Sing Owens, Delia
11 Patterns in the Sand Goldenbaum, Sally
12 Adventures in Yarn Farming Parry, Barbara
13 Adoniram Judson Duesing, Jason
14 South Moon Under Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
15 Shepherd’s Rug Klein, Letty

@strawberryroan Unbroken is about Zamperini’s war years (mostly). You might like it as well, if you haven’t already read it. His is an amazing story!

I would love it if people would rate the books they read. I always log my books into Goodreads and rate them. I would love to note the books that people rated highly. This book I just finished was rated highly on Goodreads but I didn’t like it. It was entertaining but I dislike it when female characters who are described as smart do one dumb thing after another. This book is very guilty of that.

#17 - Need to Know by Karen Cleveland -2 stars

I’ll start doing that from here out. I also use Goodreads to keep up with what I have read and to get recommendations.

Yes, @EllenDeKnitter I enjoyed it very much! I read it in June 2017.

That is a great suggestion.

#18 Caught by Harlan Coben - 4 stars

Great idea! I went back and rated my list.

I finished Station Eleven yesterday while picking raspberries and blackberries. Wasn’t all that thrilled with it. Started Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo and am enjoying it a lot more.

Finished Sworn to Silence last night. Really enjoyed that. Listened to Anthem by Ayn Rand this morning (excellent) and am now listening to Plum Island by Nelson DeMille.

I read Plum Island years ago. Still one of my favorites by DeMille.

That’s good to know! I didn’t get a chance to start it yet today. Hopefully this evening.

  1. Eleventh Grave in Moonlight…Darynda Jones (Audio) Private Investigator Mysteries/Supernatural

This has been a fun series. Although, the further into the series, the more graphic the author gets with the “romantic” scenes. I use my fast forward quite a bit. I feel the plot really could be just fine without all that distraction.

Lorelei King is an excellent narrator too!

I’m not going to hit 50 if I keep trying to keep up with youtube podcast but I’ll share what I’m reading :slight_smile:

I’ll try to remember what was this year so far LOL

  1. Digital Minimalism: On Living Better with Less Technology
  2. Rewilding: Giving Nature a Second Chance
  3. Turbo Twenty-Three (Stephanie Plum, #23)
  4. The Cyber Effect: A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behavior Changes Online
  5. A Call to Mercy: Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve
  6. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum, #24)
  7. Multiples Illuminated: A Collection of Stories and Advice from Parents of Twins, Triplets and More
  8. Look Alive Twenty-Five (Stephanie Plum, #25)

Finally found the history on my Fire7. here is a list of the books I’ve ‘read’ in audio version since May of this year. My history doesn’t go back any farther.

Sarah====(Orson Scott Card
Shadowed Souls=== (Jim Butcher
Fearful Gates=== (Ross Lawhead
Good Omens=== (Neil Gaiman
Plugged=== (Eoin Colfer
Crystal City=== (Orson Scoot Card) *I read the five previous books in the series earlier this year)
Canterbury Tales=== ( Geoffery Chaucer) (easier to listen to than actually read)
Dune=== (Frank Herbert
America for Beginners=== (Leah Franqui
House on Pooh Corner=== (A.A.Milne
Rising Sea=== (Clive Cussler
Christmas on the Island=== (Jenny Colgan
Nighthawk=== (Clive Cussler
Assassination of Brangwain Spurge===( M.T. Anderson
Arctic Drift===( Clive Cussler
9 from 9 worlds===( Rick Riordan
Unbroken===( Laura Hillenbrand
Augustine for Armchair Theologians===( Stephen Cooper
Crimson Death===( Laurell K. Hamilton
Never, Never===( James Patterson and Candice Fox
Burglar’s Guide to the City===( Geoff Manaugh
Forward Foundation===( Isaac Azimov
Dangerous Minds===( Janet Evanovich
Zealot===( Reza Asian ( rereading the dead tree version)
Wonderful ways to love a Grandchild===( Judy Ford

WOW I didn’t realize I did so much. I am getting smart!