Weaving patterns for twill towels for rigid heddle looms

I have used a 10 dent reed, plain weave with 8/2 cotton for dish towels. I doubled the thread in the slots and holes, so 20 epi. I wove with doubled thread. So You have 2 threads crossing 2 threads. They made a nice flexible towel. I don’t know how to put a picture in a comment so I’ll add one below.

Here are my towels (actually a sample for something larger) threaded 2 threads per slot and hole in a 10 dent reed and woven with 2 threads together in the shuttle. Ignore the skipped threads, it was for a sample so I didn’t re-warp.


They look great!

Thanks for sharing these! I think you almost need at least 2 threads per hole for the warp. I’ve not tried 2 threads per pick for the weft, but I can see it would definitely add to the thickness of the towels. I love your colors!!

Thanks to both of you. These were made as a color sampler for the granddaughters’ room. I let them pick the original colors (purple and white) and then wove them in different patterns. What they finally picked is 1/3 white 2/3 periwinkle for the warp and darker purple for the weft. I almost have the large loom warped and ready to go.

These are beautiful, I can’t wait to see the finished product.

I’m guessing you used 8/2 cotton - I used this yarn and the 2 per dent in a 10-dent reed and 2 threads together in the shuttle just as you did, and the cloth was very nice - I like your colors and stripes.

Nicely done!