Spin de Fleece 2020 Chatter for Prep (until the actual event kicks off)

Amazing - it looks so very clean -that is impressive.

Aside from fiber, what other essentials do you include in your spinning set-up? I will tell you some of mine:
A little bucket for trashy bits, neps, VM, etc.
A pair of tweezers
A magnet clipped to a beverage holder that holds the tweezers (I don’t use the beverage container for liquids, only tooks)
Orifice hook of course
WPI gauge
Sample card with notes
Spinning wheel bag with Q-Tips, oil bottle
Pillow at the back of my chair
Box to hold roving off the floor

I keep it pretty simple, oil bottle and scissors and extra bobbin on the windowsill along with the stopwatch. I also keep my roving in a bin and I keep a small rug under the wheel ( I have hardwood floors). When I am plying I also have my lazy kate and a tensioner.

Oh, and the spare drive band where I can easily find it.

I keep a basket beside me with oil bottle, some extra bobbins, and have my hook hanging on a ribbon on my wheel. I also have a WPI gauge handy in my basket.

I am clearing off bobbins (I just ordered 4 more last night) and making plans. Found some woefully under-plied fingering weight I’m going to have to run through again. Dug out some braids I forgot I have. Our AC went out today and it’s close to 90 degrees out, so my fiber handling is at a minumum today. :unamused:

Thank you for the reminder. I have several to wind off as well. There should be 8 bobbins ( 4 for each wheel) ready to go by Saturday.

Good deal for clearing the bobbins! I need to get mine emptied as well–I forgot about that. So sorry about the AC being out. It’s too hot to have that happen!

Ouch! I hope it’s back on soon.

Thanks, everyone! AC still out, HVAC guy super busy, of course. It’s cooler today, I think, so I might be able to do a bit more.