September 2020 Crochet FO's

Show off your September finished projects! :fk:[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​

All finished during the fiberkind zoom meeting!



Very nice & colorful too!

Ooooh! This makes me want to get the Christmas yarn out! Kudos for finishing so quickly.

@TexasPurl @pinesprairie thank you! It’s been such a wonderful quick project to finish and I can’t wait to wear it when it cools down.

I love the drape on your cowl and so ready for the holiday!!

Very pretty!

Very nice!

Finally! A finished project. A quick Tunisian crochet earwarmer.



So pretty…

How pretty!!!

I finished two Tunisian headbands. We are expecting a cold winter. They are both red, however different yarn brand. One is Red Heart with Love and one is mystery yarn.:fk:

DSCN6272 (2).JPG


Those are very pretty!


Yep, very nice and you’re gong to need them for sure!


Very nice!

Very nice. It is so neat seeing everything Tunisian crochet can do. I had no idea.

They both look good! It’s a cute headband design.