Roving Regulars

Yes, there will be a thread for posting weekly results. Just keep track of how many days you’re spinning each week. The minimum is 15 minutes a day. But post in this thread with your progress and pictures and anything else you want share–we love to see what you’re working on!

Pretty colors! I agree with @crosstitchlinda - I would probably spend all my money there as well if I lived nearby! But someday I would love to visit. Happy spinning!

@Carlota - It’s beautiful! Good for you on meeting your goal today!

Look at you go!

I think I’ll make one progress post weekly and just update it

Sat 8/29 30min Fiber C.J. Kopek Happily ever After 94% Merino Wool, 6% Stellina Purchased 8/18/18 At the Michigan Fiber Festival.

Sun 8/30 30min above fiber

Mon 8/31 30 min same fiber

I love the blues in this, what beautiful yarn.

That sounds like a lot of progress to me.

Second day of Tour de Fleece, about 25 minutes of spinning


I love this, do you know what you’re going to make with it?

Those blues are rich and gorgeous - I need to get a blue spin going in the near future.

Second day - same bobbin of BFL/Coopworth, getting fatter (the kind of poundage we like). I put on about an ounce in an hour or so - happy to see movement on this project.:cool:

I hope to post weekly updates, I’ve been working on Shave 'em to Save 'em projects. I began spinning in 2007, but didn’t really bond with my wheel until taking a class in 2014.

​Yay! Hit my goal of 15 minutes, with this Hampton/Suffolk cross. Are folks posting here or in the main thread?
(Followed the instructions for uploading photos, but it’s double-loading the photo–and uploading as an attachment) [IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​​​​Hoping this works and apologies for the newbie clumsiness


Today I spun for half a hour to make up for missing yesterday. On the bobbin is teal/blue targhee on bottom with a start on top of pure undyed shetland in natural dark brown! The wheel is a Daedalus Magpie named Hamish :slight_smile:


No apologies necessary, as you browse the site you’ll see many pictures that are also attachments. Your spinning looks fabulous.

Gorgeous yarn!

Good job, nicely done. I love blues. I’ve also started my spin with blues for the SDF.

The Suffolk has a 2-3 inch staple length so it probably makes drop spindle spinning enjoyable. I think the Hampton has the same length. This looks very nice. I wasn’t sure where to post either. I went to the “group” Beginning Spinners and posted there for Rookies.

That is a goal I would like to achieve. There is a sheep farm just down the street from us. The lady has her own yarn studio just off her barn. Sometimes we visit in the early spring when they are lambing. Enjoy your project. Hope you’re taking pictures of the process.

You can post in either thread or both. We always like to see pictures here!