Order of posts

Yes exactly! I haven’t found a ‘pattern’ yet. It almost seems random to me. I know it isn’t, but it is confusing.

I understand what you are saying and here I wanted to use the ‘comment’ and it wasn’t offered! Oh am I confused.

Because I am never sure where I am on a thread, I never know if I have responded, acknowledged, or liked someone else’s post. I don’t wan to be rude but I’m finding it hard to keep track of all that.

If I landed on the last post, or the post immediately after I posted or even after the initial posting from everywhere and it went in chronological order after that, I would have a frame of reference of where I was. It would make more sense to me then.

What I mean by that is I think it would be easier for me at least, if when I went to Notifications here on the site, or to the notification that I receive on my computer, or Latest Activity Tab, if all of those took me to the same place and the posts continued downward chronologically from there.

It may just be a function of this website and not how it is set up and something I may simply have to live with. I hope not though. I’m hoping that others will want this issue addressed at some point and Tech Support will, '…git ‘er done’ :slight_smile:

Exactly. I’m in agreement with you.

For what it is worth. I re-set my user settings to take me to the beginning of a thread rather than ‘most recent’. It makes more sense to me this way even though I have to scroll through stuff I’ve already read. I know immediately when I haven’t read something new and can start from there.

Maybe this will help someone else in navigating.

Thank you for all the clarification on the acronyms…since it took me years to figure out what DH meant, I am obviously a bit challenged :joy::joy::joy: