October 2020 Knitted FO's

Show off your finished projects completed this month! :fk:[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“http://fiberkind.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​

Oh my gosh! I LOVE your statement! Collecting yarn is totally a hobby! (and I’m really good at it!)

@Kokoriffic this is a great sweater, I really like your use of the Christmas colors!

Thank you! I just couldn’t get the photo to be accurate with the red. The dark hunter green is right, but the red is a bit browner and not quite so bright.

I got given two Harry Potter gift sets, one with crochet patterns and one with knitted; each has yarn enough for one make. So I started with this Gryffindor knitted hat. I have no idea who will get it yet, as it is way too small for anyone I’m allowed to have contact with (thank you woohooflu).


It looks great, I’m sure a recipient will become known to you at some point.

I finished a pair of mittens in handspun wool+alpaca blend yarns. Shepherds plaid over the back of the hands and salt and pepper over the remainder.

And my Gwendolyn lace shawl. its not blocked yet. but I’m calling it done.
the color is showing all wrong. its really a deep wine red. the color is called Wine Country.

And a bulky knit vest. knit with two strands of Caron Big Cakes.




Beautiful, beautiful things…

Beautiful projects!

Thanks everybody!

Finished the hat for this set the other night. This will go to MCCNY, lgbt shelter in NYC.


Thats set is adorable! Did you follow a pattern or write it? This is a perfect gift set.

Super cute! I hope you get to see people soon. I’m hoping you mean quarantine and not that you have the woohooflu!

You always out do yourself. Just beautiful!

They turned out great!

Thanks, Rose - no, I haven’t caught it, but the family members and friends it would fit live in other zones and aren’t allowed to visit at present (and I don’t trust the post right now).

Oh! thank you @Snoogins and @Rosetherebel ! :o :fk:

@Snoogins The hat pattern is kind of the waffle pattern; k2p2, the k two rows. The mitts are a basic mitten pattern and I winged it on the thumb and ribbing on the top.

Thank you Rose!

This is so beautiful!!