March 2021

Took me about a year to knit my first hat but I’m pretty excited. Already have another cast on and one adult hat with magic loop on another needle

@MrsDanielleWilson All is well here, hope all is well with you, just waiting for spring.

That’s your first knit hat? It looks really great! Way better than my first few hats looked, that’s for sure. Lol

It looks wonderful!

@KnitsWithHorses I definitely know where all my oopsies are like somehow I did a twisted stitch! @FreedomLover thank you!!

With pi being approximately 3.14, annual pi day is March 14th. Here are a few thoughts on celebrating and exploring the unique number, pi:

1- mash-up math -

2- New York Museum of Math -

3- Wikipedia -

4- The PI Shawl (circle shawl) by Elizabeth Zimmerman is the July pattern in her Knitter’s Almanac -
and the Knitter’s Almanac, Commemorative Edition -

5- PI Shawl formula courtesy of Craftsy -

6 - Easy half-pi shawl (half circle shawl), courtesy of The Knitting Circle -…awl-knitting

7- pi day history -

8- Many people choose to share a pie on pi day.
For a 12 inch diameter pizza pie, the circumference is approximately 37.68 inches.
To cut the pizza into 12 equal servings, each slice would have about 3.14 inches of the crust edge.
A “pi” size piece of pie!
For an 8 inch diameter dessert pie, the circumference is approximately 25.12 inches.
To cut the pie into eight equal servings, each slice would have about 3.14 inches of the crust edge.
A “pi” size piece of pie!

Plan now to enjoy making a special memory on pi day.

I am at my Daughter’s watching the grands. My daughter went into labor yesterday and had a baby boy yesterday morning. I got here yesterday morning also. The oldest grand is almost 15 so watched her siblings from 2 am until I got there about 9. My daughter didn’t tell me she was in the hospital until 6:30 am. She should be home sometime today.


That’s so wonderful! Congrats to all.




Hope everyone is healthy.

Congratulations on the Grandson! :slight_smile:

Did she make it to the hospital on time?

@Char Yes she made it with much time to spare. They told her to ignore the instructions that tell you to wait until contractions are 5 min apart and come in right away. So she went in at about 3 am and Joseph Patrick was born about 9:30 am.

@Hellokitten - yes, I had a high school friend like that… and I agree: amazing.
That is, amazzz-ZZ-zz-ZZZ-zing.
(snoring, boring)
3.14159 is more than precise enough for me… and my real life provides enough challenges, I do not need to seek out challenges such as memorizing pi to many, many digits!

Wonderful! Congratulations!

We have a Joseph, too. Congratulations!

Years ago we knew a young man who was a math savant. He could recite the digits of pi until people just wandered off… Amazing😊

Aww congratulations! My oldest was 15 when my youngest was born. :blush: When she would take her younger sibs to the park and things people would assume it was her baby! The two youngest girls were only 2 years apart so we got them shirts that said Thing One and Thing Two and got Bonni one that said I’m the big sister, Cameron’s said I’m the big brother and Cheyenne one that said Beware the middle child! We all called Gini and Harmoni the “baby girls” till they were in their teens. Lol