March 2021 - Craft Month Finished Thread

March is Craft Month and we love to cheer on goals met.

Show off your finished objects, how you got there and be sure to list yardage used towards your goal. If you need help with the math, give a shout out - we have several numbers folks that would be happy to assist. :fk:


Here is my first finished object of March. Also slippers, if you can believe it!!

I used a hand-dyed fuzzy wool I got on sale at a LYS last year. I needed to do a small project to keep myself interested as I am trying to de-stash all of my yarn and am working on a big, repetitive blanket with lots of ends to weave in. I used the Bulky Winter Socks crochet pattern. The purple is much darker in real life than it is in these pictures.

The only problem is I still have some purple wool left! Now I’ve got to use that up!



I made a charity scarf yesterday. Sock yarn double strand.

A total of 720 yards.


So cute and I love the color.

Thank you!

I like it! The recipient will be a lucky person!

Those are really cute.

Very pretty!

This will keep someone warm.

Thanks everyone :relaxed::relaxed:

Thank you…and thank you!

Really cute and so cosy looking!

That looks really nice! good job!

Here’s another charity scarf, made with acrylic yarn in my “unknown” bin.

Total of 334 yards.

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Very nice. You are very generous!

Does one square count as a completed object? I guess I can call it a non-absorbent washcloth. One Tunisian Simple Stitch square completed.

78 yards


Here’s another charity scarf. The yarn is one strand Regia in a tan color, and unknown cone heavy fingering in a cream color.

533 yards


My project for today - modifying a dog harness to be a no-pull harness. We purchased a no-pull harness and it chafed Carly’s front legpits (like armpits, but on a dog!). Then we bought her a regular harness that fits nicely but she pulls. The difference is a ring for the leash on the front of their chest (under their chin), not up on their back. The answer to the problem - I sewed a D ring onto her regular harness!

Ingenuity - 10 miles, time spent sewing - .005 miles!

How in the world do we figure out points for little crafty jobs?



I really like this one, too. Very nice!

You are really speedy! I love your two-color scarves.