July 2020 FO's

It’s a striking pattern and I especially like the little extras on the sleeves before the ribbing!

Just finished hemming these kitchen towels.




That’s beautiful!! Love that yarn.

That is so gorgeous!

They are great for all kinds of things. Love them.

These are gorgeous!!

Oh, these are great! I love the colors and weave structure! Beautiful weaving!!

I love these! There’s nothing left to say that hasn’t been said except that my husband would steal these for sure!

Oh goodness - I LOVE these! Is there a specific pattern you used?

Wow - this is amazing. I wish I could do stuff like this.

Oh my gosh - they are beautiful!

I keep coming back to look again. These are almost too nice to be kitchen towels. With all of the different patterns and colors, they are just beautiful.

[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“http://fiberkind.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​ Soundtrack sweater complete, used Lolodidit Divine Yak yarn MC- Bourbon CC- Rivendell


Gorgeous!! I haven’t made anything with Yak yarn, how do you like it?

That’s lovely!

Very nice! I really like your color choices!

Thank you kindly. Yak was heavenly to knit.

Nice colors, nice job and it’s going to be nice to wear! Do you know if the yak yarn is as warm as they say?

All done! Minus washing and blocking - of course, i cant wait for all that to take pictures!!! :smile: Turned out pretty good! Im proud of my Ice Yarns purchase right now, this yarn really did well. –> Elite Wool (fyi, skeins are hit and miss)



Oh how cool! I’ve had relatively good luck at Ice Yarns - and they are an affiliate of ours! YAY! :slight_smile:
