January 2021 Knitted FO's

Show off your finished projects completed this month! :fk:[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“http://fiberkind.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​

This was a Zoom KAL project from my LYS. Our goal was to get them done for the New Year. I am going to wear it to work tomorrow if it is dry from blocking. Fun yarn. This took me 34 days to finish.



It’s lovely!

My first completed charity sweater for 2021. Child size 4 years, for a local charity.



I love it!

Gorgeous! Some little boy is going to be so lucky to have this.

That is so pretty!

Thank you all. (Sorry about the double photo situation. I goofed that up.)

I finished this blanket tonight. The yarn was given away at our Project Linus chapter and because it had some wool in it, I can’t donate to PL so it’ll go to Pine Ridge Reservation.


Somebody is definitely going to feel loved wearing this - what is that beautiful yarn?

The yarn is Mandala Ombre in the Harmony colorway. Last year I made several charity sweaters with Mandala Ombre and I like it a lot.

This is beautiful.

Thank you so much @FreedomLover!

I’ve finished two pairs of socks in January. One was a Christmas Eve cast on and the other was supposed to be part of a Fall Sock KAL on Instagram…Maybe you can figure out which is which :wink:

The Christmas Eve pattern is T’was the Night Before Christmas by Dani Jorge found on Ravelry
The Fall sock gal one is actually a cowl pattern, I’ll have to find it and edit the title back in, which is not done in the round. When I made the socks, for the “wrong” side, I knit the knits and purled the purls…I’m SO glad to be finished and now want some “vanilla” patterns!

ETA: Here’s the link for the leaf cowl pattern http://torontocloseknit.blogspot.com/2010/02/devine-neck-warmer-knitting-pattern.html



This is beautiful and sure to keep a little one warm and cozy!

Finished up a belated Christmas present for my mom.

Waveland Cowl


It’s lovely!

Hey football fans do you have a special project for the playoffs?
My goal for this year was to finish the sleeves on this sweater. :white_check_mark: finished before halftime on the AFC game.
unfortunately the Packers have lost.


Just in time to get me through the cold of the next few days, I finished 2 pairs of arm warmers.

I managed to figure out a way to do them on circular needles because I can’t do magic loop or dpns yet.
