August 2020 Knitted FO's

The green hat worked in the Bankhead pattern (was free on ravelry) will go to Warmth for Warriors and the red balaclava will go to Pine Ridge. I put two patterns together, Garter Stitch Hat, by Annie Buchanan can be found on Knitting on the Net. The cowl is from Unikko (i think), also free on ravelry. I changed the pattern a bit, knit the neck part of the hat in the round, not adding a button “piece”, then after the hood was done, I picked up the stitches around the hood, not breaking the yarn which I think the pattern calls for, I don’t really remember :wink: When I’ve made this before, I’ve used a provisional cast on which I thought makes picking up stitches to work the cowl after the hood easier but this time I forgot and picked up the neck stitches and went from there.



Nice work!

Hi everyone! Huge thank you to @Char for all the help and the pattern recommendation. I have tension issues and need to learn how to hold the yarn and some other minor mistakes like I added a stitch in the last section and wasn’t sure where so I just bound off and called it good. Baby girl doesn’t care what her bath wash cloths look like! Off to start a crochet project and finish a Tunisian crochet project I’m already invested in before I start the other washcloth she recommended but so far I’m enjoying knitting and can’t wait to make all the scarfs and shawls!


I love it! I am sure Baby Girl loves its softness as well. No one will notice the extra stitch for sure.

As far as holding the yarn, do you also crochet? I knit “continental” and hold my yarn just like I do when I crochet. It is funny, though, no one else in my family holds it that way. I learned to crochet first, and I suppose that was just comfortable for me.

@Char I’ve tried that before without success but I obviously I had more success completing this project so I’ll try it again on that grandmas washcloth pattern next but I’m working on a Tunisian crochet fingering weight scarf right now and it’s a slow crawl I have to keep count every row so I don’t mess up the 2 row repeat.

Have you joined in the Tunisian crochet along? :slight_smile:

There is something everywhere isn’t there?

It looks great!

Alright, here’s the final count for August. One hat, four pairs of socks, and a baby sweater. The hat is for my Flyboy, three pairs of socks
for me, one pair of socks for cousin Noah, and a sweater for a friends upcoming baby







Wow, you’ve been busy! All very nice projects.

Nice work!

You’ve been having fun! They all look wonderful!

Very nice!! Feels good sometimes to move out of our “usual” :blush:

@KnitSwag I’d love to see a picture - if you tried to post one it didn’t work :neutral_face::neutral_face:

It’s lovely & fits so well! :heartpulse:

Nice hats! The red one looks very warm :blush:

Thank you! they’re both knit with wool or superwash so hopefully, they will be warm!

@TexasPurl thank you! And @Char I really really want to :rofl: may just have to catch up on the past weeks and give it a go!