2021 Stashbuster Weekly Results

In my defense, it was a gift!!!

@PurlgirlButtons For me, it isn’t about never acquiring any new yarn, it’s about trying to use more than you buy. Knitting from the existing stay as much as I can. But I ended up with commitments to make two large projects that I didn’t have anything appropriate in my stash to use. But if I go spending money on yarn to make socks or hats or baby items, I would feel bad because I certainly have enough yarn to make things like that for years, a lot of it very nice yarn!

[SIZE=14px]Scores for the week ending 02/13/2021[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16px]:1st_place_medal: Gold Medal Winner: @Natalia +17

:2nd_place_medal: Silver Medal Winner:
@Fisherwife +8
@Spice2s +8

:3rd_place_medal: Bronze Medal Winner:
@TexasPurl +6
@crosstitchlinda +6[/SIZE]

Making Progress:
@knitter131 +4
@KnitsWithHorses +4
@hereami +2

Holding Steady

Shopping Diva(s):

:rocket: Shoot the Moon Winner: @Sjuly -6 :dancer::dancer:

Another great week everyone!!

Scores for the week ending 02/20/2021

:1st_place_medal: Gold Medal Winner: @Steph +12

:2nd_place_medal: Silver Medal Winners: @crosstitchlinda +10
@Fisherwife +10

:3rd_place_medal: Bronze Medal Winners: @knitter131 +8
@DJM +8

Making Progress:
@KnitsWithHorses +6
@TexasPurl +4
@PurlgirlButtons +4
@Shauna825 +1

Holding Steady

:rocket: Shoot the Moon Winner: @Natalia -10
Have a happy week! :fk:[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“http://fiberkind.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]

Great week everyone!!

@Natalia ~ Thanks so much for posting the scores. :heartpulse:

That’s an impressive week everyone!

@TexasPurl no problem :wink: I’m happy to do it every week if you want.

Scores for the week ending 02/27/2021

:1st_place_medal: Gold Medal Winner: @Spice2s +15

:2nd_place_medal: Silver Medal Winner: @Fisherwife +7

:3rd_place_medal: Bronze Medal Winners: @TexasPurl +6. @crosstitchlinda +6. @KnitsWithHorses +6

Making Progress:
@Shauna825 +4
@knitter131 +3
@DJM +2
@Natalia +2

Holding Steady:

:rocket: Shoot the Moon Winner: @Steph -15
Have a happy week! :fk:

Another great week! Congratulations to all :blush:

YTD scores for the February 2021

:1st_place_medal: Gold Medal Winner: @Spice2s +71

:2nd_place_medal: Silver Medal Winner: @Fisherwife +70

:3rd_place_medal: Bronze Medal Winners: @crosstitchlinda +38. @knitter131 +38

Making Progress:
@Natalia +27
@DJM +26
@PurlgirlButtons +19
@Shauna825 +15
@Char +14

Holding Steady: @TexasPurl

Shopping diva: @Steph -27

:rocket: Shoot the Moon Winner: @KnitsWithHorses -43

Great results! :fk:

What a great week all!

Fantastic YTD everyone.

Great job everyone.
I held steady at nothing bought, nothing completely used. (0)
I completely forgot to post.

Scores for the week ending 03/06/2021

:1st_place_medal: Gold Medal Winner: @Fisherwife +25

:2nd_place_medal: Silver Medal Winner: @Natalia +8

:3rd_place_medal: Bronze Medal Winners: @Spice2s & @crosstitchlinda +6

Making Progress:
@knitter131 +4
@DJM +4
@KnitsWithHorses +2

Holding Steady:
@hereami 0
@Shauna825 0

:rocket: Shoot the Moon Winner: @Steph & @TexasPurl -4

Have a happy week! :fk:

Great week all!!

Congratulations on a very productive stash buster week!

Scores for the week ending 03/13/2021

:1st_place_medal: Gold Medal Winner:@crosstitchlinda +12

:2nd_place_medal: Silver Medal Winner:@Steph +6

:3rd_place_medal: Bronze Medal Winners:@KnitsWithHorses+4

Making Progress:
@DJM +2
@Natalia +2
@Spice2s +1

Holding Steady:
@hereami 0

Shopping Diva:
@knitter131 -8

:rocket: Shoot the Moon Winner: @TexasPurl -68

Great week everyone!!

Great job everyone.
@TexasPurl It looks like you had a fun week. Will you be dancing?? LoL. I better be careful, teasing you. I am sure my turn will be coming up soon.